
A jug fills drop by drop.


The Aspiration

To be a better daughter and to stop thinking mean and bitchy thoughts.

The Reality

The more I get into this thing the more I think, what exactly is the point? What am I trying to do here?

At first it was a joke. Like a lot of my life decisions, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.  Maybe, magically, if I did something different, my life would change for the better.  If not, at least it’d be an interesting experiment.

Now I’m starting to think it takes more than a few late night resolutions to actually change.  Changing is the hardest thing anyone can do – lots of people want to do it, and hardly anyone really does.  Real change is not just swimming upstream against the world, it’s swimming upstream against yourself.  The real me just…

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5 thoughts on “

  1. iamnotshe says:

    Do we really have to give up mean and bitchy thoughts? What will i fill my mind with. I only use 5%. 😉

  2. Capt. Savage says:

    I’m male so unfortunately I wish I have 5% of your brain, as my poor little peanut has difficulty with doing one task let alone two… But you could always fill up your mind with good thoughts, now there’s a thought for you…


    Capt. Savage
    (Focussed on his purpose, mainly cause my brain is too small for anything else to fit in)

    • iamnotshe says:

      Yes! Capt. Savage is onto something. Women probably use 10%, but that’s a 50% upgrade, yea?

  3. Capt. Savage says:

    You need it as don’t forget the world is still actually dominated by us useless lumps of testosterone… Oops my male chauvinistic pig just escaped from its sty…

    • iamnotshe says:

      Back wee piggy, BACK i say!!!!

      Oh, but i DO think that women outnumber men in the grand scheme of the populous x 10% of brainpower… I shall ignore your SQEELS 🙂

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