And then there were Strippers… A Savage Movie Review

A Twisted Tale of Men without Clothing, the tale of ‘Magic Mike’

There he is out front, Magic Mike… And yes Rose, not a single chest hair in sight…

What Was I thinking, this was definitely a Chick Only Flick!!!

Well this was a first for me, to see a movie that was all about Male Strippers… Now let me point out that I’m not going to spend too much time describing the plot of this movie, because basically it didn’t really have one. If you do go and see it, and for you ladies I’m betting its only a matter of time, you’ll know what I mean.

Basically the movie revolves around the unfortunate life of a young guy called Adam (who is 19). He has moved to Florida to get a restart on life and is sharing an apartment with his sister. Well, he goes to work on a building site and gets fired on his first day. He ends up meeting Mike (aka Magic Mike), and next thing you know he is working at a strip bar with women shoving money down his underpants.

Here is Adam and Mike on his first night at the strip club, being tempted by the ‘Dark Side’

There are some amusing moments in the film and there was a bit of noise coming from the female member of the audience both onscreen in the strip club and at the movie theatre I was sitting too (yep keep the noise down girls). I think the ladies liked it, and I can understand why, it did feature some pretty good dance moves, a lot of ripping off clothing and underpants that seemed to lack backs in them… I was shocked (must find out where to get some)

Matthew McConaughey (Dallas) strutting his stuff as the Stripper Boss

The movie is full of sex, drugs, alcohol, and Adam tries them all before he gets tempted and then involved in a drug deal that goes bad (kind of predictable). In between all this madness Mike falls for Adam’s sister.

I found the story at bit confusing, maybe that’s because there wasn’t one, or maybe I just couldn’t see the screen as my glasses kept fogging up from all the heavy breathing females in the audience.

Mike chatting to Adam’s sister (Cody Horn a pretty apt name?)

Anyway, what am l doing discussing a plot in the context of this movie?

The point of this movie was really to shove as much eye candy in front of the ladies as possible, without it appearing to be just that, a continuous series of scenes involving hairless dudes with muscles on muscles, ripping their clothes off and gyrating all over lots of smiling women.

To be honest I shouldn’t have gone to this movie, because I definitely was not the target demographic.

Should you go and see it?

My advice girls, if you want to see lots of buff looking men ripping their clothes off, you don’t mind the absence of depth, and seeing a fair bit naughtiness etc. Go along, you’ll probably LOVE it. I think Rose, Darla and all of the girls who follow my friend’s blog ( aka An Etiquette Guide for Sluts) definitely will have a good time… I can almost hear the hoots and wolf whistles as I type.

For me, bring on the version for us Males… Or maybe that has already been done by Demi Moore

It wasn’t a total loss, I did see some interesting new dance moves for me to practice, just need to get some new underwear and clothes that rip off real quick 😉 Maybe if a get some of this gear, get fit, grow some chest hair, and borrow Doctor Who’s time machine, I might even get an invitation to Goddess Gate or Rose’s Ranch (Come on Darla and Rose, a bit of practice and some anti aging cream, and who knows?)

Capt. Savage

(Been there done that, no more male strip movies for me)