Guitar, Music, Ouch, Why do my fingers hurt so much?

(Antoine Dufour – Ashes in the Sea –

I love listening to the acoustic guitar, and well on an impulse I went and bought myself a 6 string steel string guitar. I thought this won’t be too hard, just a little practice.

So I enrolled in an online guitar site to get some lessons, and set aside some time to practice, and well it all started off ok until the PAIN set in… See picture of figures below…

This is what my fingers look like, well these aren’t actually my fingers, but you get the idea…

God I wish learning the guitar was not soooooo damn painful. Me, silly old Capt. (and no I am not Capt. Feathersword), why did I decide it would be easy to take up the guitar? Goals are slightly more humble than this very talented guitarist (Antoine Dufour), but as I go on week by week my fingers are getting sorer and sorer (insert heaps of sympathy here please).

Now I would have taken a photo of my own fingers instead of using a stock photo, but looking at them scares me too much, (insert even more sympathy here PPPPLLEASE).

Maybe this guy can help me, he’s blind and he’s my guitar hero… And yes this clip is on the Sesame Street set…

And as I am discovering, the more I practice the more they hurt… Why does pleasure (learning a musical instrument) have to involve sooo much pain. Guitars should come with a finger health warning, typing this blog post is pure agony, but only on my left hand luckily. Will I ever be able to feel with my fingers again?

So has anyone else reading this gone down this painful road before, or am I just being a big wimp? Any suggestions to help ease my finger pain?

Ok, maybe I’ve done enough whining for now, back to practicing. My only other wish is that after all this practice, you’d think the cat would begin to appreciate the effort!!! Instead of running off and hiding every time I reach for the guitar.

Maybe soon the calouses will get really hard, and the pain will start to go away.

Capt. Savage

(I’m soaking my fingers in ice tonight)