Stupid Ignorant People!!! Capt. Savage and the curse of email flaming

Daily I am so tempted to use my training and terminate some unfortunate idiot who stumbles into my road. Not sure if you fellow bloggers agree with me, or perhaps if I am actually one of the unfortunate idiots and have just failed to recognise my incompetence.

But today a particularly challenged individual at my workplace decided that he should walk metaphorically through the building with a neon stupid sign on his head.

Example of a stupid sign, well I thought it was hilarious actually… Just couldn’t find a neon stupid sign on Google (feel free to email me one if you find it at

This person was invited to attend a training course and received what I thought was a polite email confirming the date, time and venue for the course and what participants should bring with them. Fairly standard stuff I would have thought.

Well the response that came back from, well let’s call this guy Ronald McDonald, because he is a bit of a clown I think. It was pure nasty, almost reduced my staff member to tears. Now I must admit that Mrs J is a bit sensitive at the moment due to one reason or another, but when I read the email I couldn’t believe it either.

Now sending abuse is one thing, but this clown then chose to cc the email to all recipients, which I think is the act of a low life scumbag. If you are going to complain, have the courage to do it to the originator and maybe their manager (or the complaints line), not send abuse to everyone.

It’s because of idiots like this that I have to leave this post-it note all over my office to prevent me from reaching for my bayonet and slashing away at them.

Yep I literally have to remind myself not to go postal… God knows some people deserve it…

In my humble opinion emails, text messages, Facebook, Twitter and all the rest of the social media options have simply removed many of the controls or limits that used to be placed on bullying and harassment (just my view). In the good old days you had to have some courage to walk up to someone and either hurl abuse at them or perhaps slap them in the face or maybe in really bad cases a nice healthy knuckle sandwich.

Here you go, a pair of knuckle sandwiches…

According the Wise Geeks (am I one of those?) at

Flaming is where you deliberately send out an email or make a web posting with the intent of insulting or abusing someone (or a group). There is a pretty good Wikipedia discussion thread on the subject at

Have you ever been flamed? I definitely have been, and most of them are cc’d to everybody for some reason.


Have I just scored 1 million negative Karma points for this post?

Capt. Savage

(A perfect model of a gentleman… That was left out in the sun too long and warped)

8 thoughts on “Stupid Ignorant People!!! Capt. Savage and the curse of email flaming

  1. Great post (and a timely one for me). I completely agree that the anonimity and distance that the internet provides gives some people false courage to attack. I just try to remember that it also gives introverts a venue where they can talk. So, listen to those with something to say, and pray the attackers don’t meet you in a dark alley while you’re holding a bayonet:)

    • Capt. Savage says:

      Yep, I agree about the enabling aspects for introverts, as I am a bit of one. But I also think for some reason the Internet and email seem to give some people the idea that they can ignore the normal social courtesy expected from polite society, and be rude and obnoxious twits. Glad you got something out of my frustrations of today.


  2. I’ve been flamed…the people that do it are usually inadequate in some way. I think we should chop their heads off! Like in Game of Thrones! And you are of course the consummate warped gentleman.

    • Capt. Savage says:

      Yep, just like Joffrey, off with their heads… And I’d throw in his mother too, oh wait now I’m daydreaming about Game of Thrones… (or is a daydream in the evening a nightdream?).


  3. iamnotshe says:

    Yes yes I have been flamed, but never cc’d… However bcc’ing is probably the route my idiot people prefer. Sneaky and cowardly!! Rage on son!!! I tell you… There many good reasons to own NO weapons. Too many ignorant people!!!

  4. When will people every GROW up?

  5. Capt. Savage says:

    Never, and I know this for a fact cause I intend to never grow up…

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